Stochastic Processes and Soft Matter Modelling / Palyulin / Moscow
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) is a unique English-speaking international research university, located just outside of Moscow. Established in collaboration with M.I.T., Skoltech integrates and modernises the best Russian scientific traditions.
2 PhD Fellowships are now being offered to work in Skoltech’s Stochastic Processes and Soft Matter Modelling – led by Prof Vladimir Palyulin.
Students who have completed or are nearing completion of a masters degree with backgrounds in an area of mathematical sciences with interest in various areas of statistical physics as well as soft matter/polymer physics theory and simulations, are encouraged to apply.
The PhD course takes a minimum of three years but normally it takes four years. Those accepted will receive (i) a tuition waiver (covering the full price of tuition) as well as (ii) a basic starting tax free stipend of 85k RUB (Approx 1200 Eur) which goes to 105k RUB (tax free) after proven performance and (iii) medical insurance.
Application procedure. Students should first complete the formal application procedure (see; they are encouraged to send their full CV and a statement (not more than 300 words) outlining their interest to V.Palyulin(at) – as part of the initial screening, selected candidates might be contacted with a potential initial screening interview via Skype.
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