Wednesday 18 december afternoon : Computational science et Quantum information in room 108 T 54/55
- Monday 06/01/2025, 10am-12:30pm and 2-6 pm : Quantum information (SU) Tower 14-15 Room 107
- Tuesday 07/01/2025, 9-12 am : Nonequilibrium and active systems (UPC) 0011 building Sophie Germain
- Wednesday 08/01/2025, 9-12 am: Disordered systems (SU) Tower 23-24 Room 205
- Wednesday 08/01/2025, 2pm-5pm: Statistical field theory and soft matter (SU) Tower 23-24 Room 205
- Thursday 09/01/2025, 9-12 am: Advanced nonlinear physics (SU) Tower 14-15 Room 107
- Friday 10/01/2025, 9-12 am : Biophysics (UPC 0011 building Sophie Germain)
- Computational Science : organized by M. Weigt
- Introduction to quantum nonequilibrium dynamics : organized by L. Cugliandolo

- Acces map to Sorbonne Université (Jussieu campus)
- Access map to Université Paris Cité
- Map of the “Halle aux Farines” building (Université Paris Cité)
- Access to the “hbar” building in Université Paris-Saclay . NB. You may also walk from Le Guichet RER station to the LPTMS lab (15 min), then walk to the hbar lab (5 min).