Description of the procedure to create the “convention de stage” for University Paris Saclay
Due to cyberattack (08/2024), University Paris-Saclay has changed the procedure to produce the “convention de stage”.
- Read carefully the instructions
- you may also find some helpful information below (presentation of the “old procedure”)
- documents to be filled are below
PROCEDURE FOR 2024-2025:
Here is an explanation of the procedure during the cyberattack:
The student fills out:
- The section “3 – The Intern” on page 1
- The “Primary Health Insurance Fund” section under “Contacts” on page 2
The student sends the agreement
- The “2 – Host Organization” section on page 1
- The “Internship Subject” section on page 2
- The “Supervision of the Intern by the Host Organization” section on page 2
- The “Tasks Assigned and Skills to Be Acquired or Developed” section on page 2
- All information from Article 3 (page 3) to Article 9 (page 5)
The host organization returns the completed agreement to the student.
The student, after reviewing the information to ensure it is correct, sends the agreement (at this stage filled out by both the student and the host organization) to the supervising teacher, who fills out (after validating the information entered by the host organization):
- The “1 – The Educational Institution” section on page 1
- The “Supervision of the Intern by the Educational Institution” section on page 2
- The “Preventive Medicine Service of the Educational Institution” and “Contact in Case of Conflict” sections under contacts on page 3
- The information in Article 12 on page 6.
After verifying that all information has been filled out by the three parties, the department prints the agreement in 3 copies.
The department sends the agreement to the student.
The student signs the agreement.
The student sends the signed agreement back to the host organization, collects it, and then sends the copies to the department (service to be defined according to internal organization).
The department has the agreements signed on behalf of the institution.
sent the document to Linah Rakotoarijoelina with a certificate of “assurance responsabilité civile” & “attestation sécurité sociale” : she will forward it for signature by the university.
Files 4: Please also fill out the educational sheet, which is a sworn statement.
1. Overview of the full procedure:
- Find an internship as early as possible
- Download the form “Formulaire de proposition de stage” (form in french or in english) and fill it with your advisor (tutor) : she/he should have all information
- The student or the advisor sends the form to the lab where the internship takes place, which completes the part “Organisme d’accueil”
- The student sends the form (filled) to the “Enseignant responsable” (christophe[dot]texier[at]universite-paris-saclay[dot]fr, for UPSaclay) for verification
- At this step, all information should be correct (corrections in p-stage, afterwards, are much more painful)
- The student goes to the “P-Stage” web application (UPSaclay) and fills the form on-line (if not already done, the student may have to activate his “Adonis” Paris-Saclay account)
FILL IT VERY CAREFULLY (this will produce the “convention”, which is a contract, and cannot be modified easily, once validated and signed by everybody) - Don’t forget the documents (if there are) asked by the administration of the lab (e.g.: copy of ID, student card, carte vitale, insurance certificate,…)
- Once filled on-line by the student, SEND a message to the “Enseignant responsable” (christophe[dot]texier[at]universite-paris-saclay[dot]fr) so that he can validate the on-line form (careful : Ch.Texier is not automatically informed by the PStage platform)
- The student can follow on P-Stage the status of the convention ; once validated, the student “prints” the convention which has to be signed by: (i) the student, (ii) the advisor, (iii) the “organisme d’accueil” (different from the director of the lab), (iv) the “Enseignant référent” (Ch.Texier), (v) the president of Université Paris Saclay
Since 01/2022: the electronic signature is again allowed (you can insert your signature on one pdf version and send it by email) - For step (iv) & (v), send the convention to “Enseignant référent” (with the insurance certificate, “assurance responsabilité civile”); he will forward it to the scolarité (i.e. Paris-Saclay President’s office) for signature.
It must be received by the “scolarité” at least 15 days before the start of the internship (30 days if internship is abroad) - Finally, “administrative validation” will be done (when everybody has signed)
internship abroad and covid pandemy :
check the status of the country (cf. If there is a risk (orange or red country) you should ask the agreement of “Fonctionnaire Sécurité Défense” (see point 3 below). This should be done before the convention is transmitted to the “scolarité”
Good luck!
2. More information to help you with PStage:
* the whole procedure on P-Stage is explained on this “U-PSaclay’s Tuto for PStage” (in french). Look at it for details.
* Few remarks: (they should allow you to avoid the 24 pages Tuto!)
– Language : choose the convention in french for an internship in France (in english for internship abroad)
– “Organisme d’accueil” : it should the institution which is paying you (it may be the CNRS or a University,…) use the scrolling menu (e.g. the CNRS labs in Paris Saclay perimeter depend on “CNRS Délégation Ile de France Gif-sur-Yvette (DR04)”) ; Careful: in order to search the organism in PStage, check the SIRET number (you can use web sites like, etc)
Once selected the correct “organisme”, go to “Contacts” to select the lab (scrolling menu “sélectionner un service”)
Note that you may have to create the “organisme” and the “service” (lab): in this case, be very careful, do not duplicate the information and increase entropy!
– “Tuteur” is the intership’s advisor
– “Enseignant référent” is “Christophe Texier” (for signature from PCS Master)
– “Modèle de convention” : choose “Paris Saclay Standard (français)” for internship in France and “Paris Saclay Standard (anglais)” for internship abroad (in non French-speaking countries)
– “Type de stage” : choose “Formation initiale – stage obligatoire”
– you will have to indicate the total number of days (take into account that there are few “jours fériés” in France : 01/05, 08/05, 21/05, 01/06) ; in France, the legal working time is 35 hours/week (7h/day)
– Since 01/2024, for internship in France, the stipend should be minimum 659,76€ net/month ; only exception is for students from ENS already paid (=> no additional stipend)
– “Modalités de suivi par l’enseignant référent” (Ch.Texier) : write “occasionnel”
– “Modalité de validation du stage” : choose “soutenance”
– “Signataire” is the “représentant légal de l’organisme d’accueil” (e.g. for the CNRS DR04, it is M. Benoit Forêt, the “délégué régional” ; cf. first form “Formulaire de proposition de stage”)
– the rest should be easy (only fill what is compulsory, with a “*”!)
3. Internship abroad:
(1) register to the foreign affair ministery (MAE) on Ariane platform :
(2) simultaneously, declare the mobility out of France to the DRIE (Direction des Relation Internationales, Université Paris Saclay) :
Choose the “Déclarez votre mobilité de stage à l’étranger 2021/22” form.
Please do not forget to submit your declaration by clicking on “Envoyer” at the end.
(3) Notify Mathieu Langer (international-physics.sciences[at]universite-paris-saclay[dot]fr) that you have declared your mobility.
Due to the pandemy of Covid, you should get the agreement of the « Fonctionnaire Sécurité Défense » (FSD), 3 or 4 weeks before your departure. Mathieu Langer will then request the agreement of the FSD of Université Paris-Saclay on the basis of your declaration.
update: 24/01/2023